Haystack and DataStories join forces bringing “Smart Product Launch” to organizations within the Food & Beverage and Fast Moving Consumer Goods industries.

LEUVEN - In today’s fast-changing business environment asking for faster, cheaper and better research solutions, Haystack and DataStories offer a unique project approach to test new or improved product formulations.

This partnership is very exciting for both organizations. It combines Haystack’s expertise of multi-sensory research consultancy with DataStories platform to design and test new or improved product formulations. A combination that enables companies to bring new products faster to market and outperform the competition.

Find ingredients with the highest potential, design new flavours/target groups and work on higher likings based on data driven insights. Implement AI analysis of web, social media and other sources to fasten the R&D process.

Want to know how you can benefit from this partnership or you want to discuss your needs and ideas? Just drop us an email.

About Haystack:
Haystack is a Belgian multisensory research consultancy agency providing in-depth analysis of the behaviour and decision-making processes. Their global experience in quantitative and qualitative research enables them to deliver innovative methods, implicit/emotive/contextual methodologies and pioneering techniques to tap as much as possible into all senses. At Haystack they strongly believe that it’s the interaction of all senses that influences our perception, experience and decision-making in real-life.

Visit www.haystack-international.com for more information. 

About Datastories:

DataStories™ is a Belgium (Turnhout) based Augmented Data Discovery and Analytics company focusing on businesses with complex R&D or manufacturing processes generating lots of data. DataStories™ puts domain experts central and communicates the data analytics outcomes as actionable data stories. Datastories is the only augmented analytics platform with a direct feedback loop from machine learning algorithms to actions.

Visit www.datastories.com for more information. 

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