Nestlé discovers way to drastically reduce sugar content in sweets

VEVEY - This year Nestlé will start selling sweets and chocolate with up to 40% less sugar. The company has announced in a press release that it is researching a new way to reduce the amount of sugar in its products without impacting taste.

The new technology uses only natural ingredients. “This truly groundbreaking research is inspired by nature and has the potential to reduce total sugar by up to 40% in our confectionery,” said Stefan Catsicas, Nestlé Chief Technology Officer. Nestlé has indicated that the technology is a ‘new way to use a traditional, natural ingredient’.

“The research will accelerate our efforts to meet our continued public commitment to reduce sugar in our products”, Nestlé writes in its press release. The company is currently patenting its findings and hopes to give more details about the new method in the coming year.

Nestlé has already made various promises to consumers about the improvement of its products. The company aims to reduce the amount of sugar, salt and saturated fat, while at the same time increasing healthier nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

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