Takeaway.com in good shape at the beginning of the growth season

AMSTERDAM - Takeaway.com, the leading online food delivery marketplace in Continental Europe, issues an order update for the third quarter of 2017.

“A year after the IPO, Takeaway.com is in good shape at the beginning of the growth season. Our order growth has been significant throughout the year, and we have continued our strong growth in the third quarter of 2017 resulting in year-to-date order growth of 42%. We have substantially increased our market share throughout our Leading Markets and we expect our expanding network effects to further widen the gap between us and competition. Takeaway.com will increase its investments in the fourth quarter of 2017, especially in Germany and the Other segment. At the same time, our accelerating growth of 34% for the third quarter in the highly profitable Netherlands segment enables us to decrease the losses for the company as a whole going forward. Takeaway.com will modestly raise its commissions at the beginning of next year, which will further improve profitability in all Leading Markets.” Says Jitse Groen, CEO of Takeaway.com.

Takeaway.com processed 17.0 million orders in Q3 2017, representing a 40% increase compared with Q3 2016, or 42% year-to-date. 

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