Spread-it …. No food to waste…

PARIS - Every retailer and food producer comes across this topic: food waste. About one third of all our food is wasted, it is thrown away or converted into animal feed, whereas these valuable resources can perfectly be used for ‘new’ food products. Fortunately, more and more entrepreneurs are joining forces and fight food waste by contributing to a circular food system. Nice examples in the Netherlands are Kromkommer, Instock, De Verspillingsfabriek and dozens of others who are united in the platform www.verspillingisverrukkelijk.nl.

A special example is the company AND Cheesetrade that has been working in this segment for many years. AND reuses cheese into new products. Recently, they introduced their own brand Spread-it or dip-it. It is a spreadable cheese which is also suitable for dipping and available in 7 flavours. Spread-it is made of 100% ‘rescued’ cheese that otherwise would not have been suitable for (human) consumption. With the ‘No-food-to-waste’ logo the connection is made from the product to the story behind it www.nofoodtowaste.com. At the SIAL in Paris last week, Spread-it was officially presented and we noticed very positive feedback from an enthusiastic audience.

TEN the export network advises and supports food companies that are aiming to broaden their horizons. TEN co-ordinates export activities, encourages business development projects, and creates new international links. TEN also helps improving the standard of existing export activities and operates as SIB advisor - an initiative of the Dutch government - for SMEs. 

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